Another year has gone by and we are looking back on some wonderful memories.
2015 has been a successful year for STEIN and we would like to take some time to say thanks to everyone who has worked with us this year. Instead of gifts for our clients and partners, we decided to rather give something back and support a great cause. In light of the recent situation our choice fell to SpielTiger e.V., a local group that supports disadvantaged children.
For us – and surely for many of you also – Christmas is a time that we like to spend with our families. But not all families have the luxury of a carefree Christmas. SpielTiger e.V. tries to support those families. Under the motto “activity, culture and play” they provide an integrative sports and play program for children and teens.
Right now SpielTiger e.V. focuses their work on accommodations for migrants and refugees to brighten their days for a moment – a great cause if you ask us.
To support them we commissioned the sheltered workshop “Mühlhäuser Werkstätten” to build a portable exercise area and several pairs of stilts that the “SpielTiger-mobile” can take on its tours around underprivileged neighborhoods. This way we were able to help out two good causes at once and especially bring a little bit of joy to the children and teens living in refugee shelters at the moment.
We wish all our clients and partners a Merry Christmas and look forward to the coming year with them!