

With active selling on the customer walkway of fame.

What good are talented promoters if your active selling measures don’t fit in with the brand? That’s why it’s all the more important to understand the core of a brand and present it in the right light on the sales floor. With this in mind, our promotion concepts ensure that the right people are at the shelf and in the right sales area at the right time.

The challenge lies in the fact that high-quality products – especially in the consumer electronics segment – offer many features and options, and a simple data sheet is insufficient. When it comes to active selling, professionals play a key role in familiarising often demanding customers with the products in question.

Our solution: Tailored strategies and well-founded sales floor intelligence

We take full responsibility for implementing your sales floor promotion, from the initial concept and recruiting and training the right people to effectively managing and overseeing all the measures from start to finish. It goes without saying that this includes regular reporting.

We combine every staff-supported active selling with intelligent brand and product positioning on the sales floor. With tailored active selling strategies and our analytical sales floor intelligence, we develop a promotional concept and create brand experiences that boost sales.

Our maxim: if you want to win over shoppers and turn potential customers into buyers at that last most crucial moment, you need to have the right concept and the right people at shelf.

An overview of all the benefits of our active selling methods:

  • A long-term increase in sales and market shares
  • ongoing support for retail partners – for more satisfaction
  • ATL adaptation for the sales floor = more stringent brand presentation
  • Knowledge sharing with employees in the store
  • Targeted expansion to increase brand advocates

Lars Roisch

Managing Director

040/39 191-431

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