Amazon Kindl Pop-up Store

Amazon KindlePop-Up-Store

Something to read

The objective

Everybody has heard of them – the e-reader made by online-retailer Amazon. Positioning them at the stationary point of sale isn’t easy due to their close ties to the online distribution platform. To remove any reservations customers might have and create a haptic product experience for the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite our expertise was needed.

The solution

How do you create a situation in which the unique reading experience of the Kindle Paperwhite is tangible, without marketing at the stationary POS? Simple! You bring the product to the reading-enthusiastic target group. With a pop-up store placed conveniently in high-frequented places close to their intended purpose. Planned and done: Stein developed the concept and ensured maximum efficiency in production and installation of the inviting pop-up stores. Perfectly planned locations and excellent staff put the dot on the digital i. Finally, personal and high-class consultation as well as online vouchers increased the sales appeal. This way, the Kindle Paperwhite could be thoroughly tested – and win over the customers.


23.000 visitors. That adds up to about 770 visitors each day in the individual pop-up stores. With about 179 product presentations and 200 consultations. Altogether 4.350 vouchers handed out with a response rate of 72,5%. That means about 4,5 new happy Kindle-owners each day per outlet.




POSMA 2015