Nespresso Expert CoffeeAdvice
How to win over discerning connoisseurs.
The objective
Nespresso is considered a global trendsetter when it comes to the enjoyment provided by its exclusive coffee capsules. Our aim is to increase sales for Nespresso machines, boost registration numbers for the Nespresso Club and generate first-time orders in-store.
The solution
In special areas at MSH stores, electronics stores and shopping malls, STEIN offers comprehensive expert advice, as well as a welcome offer.
As customers receive advice from the friendly, highly qualified promoters, who we trained in-house, they can enjoy a freshly prepared coffee and join the Nespresso Club then and there.
What makes this approach so unique is that expert advice is provided all year round – throughout Germany, in fact: 150 expert advisers offer 6,000 days of advice in 180 stores. STEIN also produces and positions advertising materials for new products and voucher campaigns two to three times a year.
Nespresso is perfectly positioned in the store thanks to STEIN: our expert advice is a key part of the brand’s huge success.