CEWE PhotoKiosks

Lots of features explained in a simple way.

The objective

The CEWE self-service photo printing kiosks are extremely popular among customers of retail partners such as BUDNI, Müller and EDEKA. They offer a whole host of applications and receive innovative software updates on a regular basis. To ensure that shop employees can assist end consumers, we make sure that they’re well acquainted with all the features of the self-service kiosks.

The solution

This kind of kiosk can best be explained when you’re standing directly in front of one: any new features can be addressed, and the full range of options can be explained and demonstrated.

That’s why we regularly send specially trained promoters to all CEWE retail partners with self-service photo printing kiosks. In half-day training courses, experienced employees are brought up to date and new ones are shown how to operate the machine. Questions can be asked and answered immediately.


200 shops visited in a period of around four weeks. Two to three promoters and, on average, four employees for each two- to four-hour training course. Informal atmosphere, pleasant environment and lots of time for questions. And, following the course, employees who are confident in the use of the CEWE self-service photo printing kiosk and who are only too happy to assist customers. End consumers who receive much better advice on all the options of the self-service kiosks and can take full advantage of them – and a notable increase in the number of photos printed.

Contact Person

Lars Roisch

Managing Director

040/39 191-431

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