Panasonic Shop-in-Shop
STEIN creates a brilliant view.
The objective
In the competitive market of TV and equipment the right POS appearance is the key to success. The advertising pressure is high which makes it all the more important to meet the customers need at the POS. Most purchase decisions are made at the POS. Therefore STEIN was commissioned to analyze and evaluate the current shop-in-shop performance within MSD-stores.
The solution
With our staff on the sales floor we generated shopper insights and evaluated exactly how shoppers interacted with the POS and how they chose and decide what to purchase. Our research was the foundation on which we relaunched the POS design – including master layouts and positioning of POS-tools on the sales floor. STEIN finalized the results in a POS-manual that will ensure consistency and brand recognition for Panasonic at the POS.
The right message at the right location. A cleaned up POS that meets the shopper’s expectations and clears the way for a purchase decision in Panasonic’s favor.
A nationwide consistency and brand recognition with significant awareness- and sales-uplift.