BrandActivationMobilcom-Debitel HealthPromotionThe aim of mobilcom-debitel is to position itself as a digital lifestyle provider over the long term. The idea was to develop routing promotions that…
Blog / 12.09.2018Is the POS an outdated model?Stationary retail has been under pressure for years. Although it accounts for more than 90% of total retail sales in Germany, online retailing is…
Blog / 14.08.2018Mass market: Gaming. Niche was yesterday.The gaming market has been in transition and growing for several years. More than 40% of Germans play computer and video games. Gaming has become more…
ActiveSellingPanasonicLumixLUMIX is a strong brand. Panasonic cameras have enjoyed great success for years and often get the highest ratings in tests. But these types of…
Blog / 02.08.2018Mastering the Customer JourneyThe Customer Journey, and also the Shopper Journey, is the path the consumer takes, from the first contact to the final purchase decision, and in the best…
Shopper- & Business-InsightsAIDA CrewcheckNew cruise ships mean more beds that need to be filled with passengers. To accomplish that you first of all need more travel agencies in your corner.…
Blog / 15.05.2018The POS – How Design Supports the Brand & Sales.The design of a product is an important factor, which unites the look, zeitgeist and functionality. However, “form follows function” also applies to…
Press / 02.05.2018Rotkäppchen-Mumm renews its collaboration with STEINThe POS experts STEIN have impressed the Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH and are expanding their collaboration regarding POS support within the…
SalesPromotionBahlsen CoffeeConversationIn the course of a new sales round at brick-and-mortar grocery stores STEIN was commissioned to highlight biscuit manufacturer Bahlsen’s high quality and…